Music: You gotta be tough to play here

December 13-18th there will be a “battle of the bands” contest at participating bars in downtown Boise.

Throughout the entire week there will be a “Battle of the Bands” contest at participating bars in downtown Boise. The band that earns the most donations in their collection jars from fans will win a $200 prize.  All money raised from the cash donation jars at the battle of the bands contest throughout the week will be donated to Driven.

We will donate 20% of the money raised by selling wrist bands and tokens to Commit 65.

The $10  Rock N Bowl wristband gains you admission to all of the following events:

1402 Grove Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Phone: (208) 385-0111
  • 12/13-6pm Launch party The Rock 'n Bowl Launch Party feature performances by kids from the Boise Rock School and the CastleRock Strings. There will also be an Aerial Performance by Phoenix Rising and a silent auction benefiting Commit 65. Guests will be greeted by infamous local blogger Wendie Gone Feral and EchoBase Video on our red carpet, where pictures and video will be captured to create the Rock 'n Bowl VIP video and photo slide show.  

Wendie Gone Feral "A feral organism is one that has escaped from domestication and returned, partly or wholly, to its wild state. I’ve gone feral."
Echo Base Video - A Creative Company "Echo Base Video is a Boise company that provides creative video services for you, your company, or your family. Our everyday world is abundant with untold stories of unappreciated beauty and love that is too big for words alone, as well as stories of undiscovered companies and under-supported passions and causes."

Tom Graineys/Grainey's Basement 
109 S. Sixth St.
Boise, ID 83702

Listen to Red Hands Black Feet

   Jeran Dalquist of The Naughties 

Sample band press kits Quantcast

621 Main St.
Boise, ID 83702

A karaoke contest will take place at Humpin' Hannah's on December 16th. A EchoBase Video will be on hand to videotape participants and videos will subsequently be posted here so that the community can vote on their favorite performer. Contestants must have a uDrove Humanitarian Rock 'n Bowl wristband to participate. Winners will be announced Saturday morning, December 18th and awarded tickets to the Humanitarian Bowl.

211 N. Eighth St., Boise, ID, 83702
(208) 381-0222

Pictures from the Driven film screening and the Driven after party at Cazba taken by Alex Couey are Coming Soon! Check out Alex's other work at
    Listen to DJ Myko here

    Listen to Pat Benolkin here

    Listen to Spastik here

             Listen to Owlright here

    Listen to The Undergrowth here.

    405 S 8th St # 110
    Boise, ID 83702-7147
    (208) 287-5379

    Soul Serene Classic Rock / Rock / Soul

    Listen to Gizzard Stone Here

    1115 N. Curtis Rd.
    Boise, Id 83704
    Phone: 208-991-3240
    • 12/16 Richard Soliz
    • 12/17 Chris Johnson's Karaoke
    • 12/18 Craving Dawn

    700 W Main Street
    Boise, Idaho 83702

    • 12/17 The special screening of the film "Jens Pulver - Driven"at the Egyptian theater in downtown Boise will be followed by an after party at Cazba featuring DJ Pat Benolkin who made the Driven Film Motion Picture Sound Track. You must have a Rock 'n Bowl wristband to gain admission to the after party.  The wristband will also give you $2 off the $12 ticket price to see the film at the box office. 
    Listen to Driven film soundtrack here